Handelsbanken Euro Obligation (A10 EUR)

Legal name: Handelsbanken Euro Obligation (A10 EUR)
Bond Fund Registered in Sweden (UCITS) Bid

About risk

Historical yields are not a guarantee of future returns. A fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not guaranteed that you will recover the entire invested amount. Note that a fund with risk level 5-7, as stated in the fund's fact sheet (KID), can vary greatly in value due to the fund's composition and management methodology. The prospectus, fund rules and KID are available under each fund. Summary of investors' rights.

Fact sheet and documents Print page
Factsheet and Information Brochure
Target Market
Costs and charges
Fund rules (151 kB)
Prospectus (438 kB)
Periodic reports
Annual review (PF) (2121 kB)
Semi-annual report (PF) (190 kB)
Marketing material
Brief fund information 
The fund invests in interest-bearing financial instruments, denominated in EUR, that are issued or guaranteed by a state, municipality or by a governmental or municipal authority or by some intergovernmental agency in which one or several states are members, as well as in covered bonds. The fund's assets may also be invested in interest-bearing financial instruments with high credit worthiness, so-called Investment Grade. The average residual duration of the fund's investments is between 2 and 10 years.

The investment focus of the fund does not permit investments in corporate credits, which means that by definition controversial sectors are excluded. For further information, please refer to the fund's prospectus.

The fund is reported as an Article 6 fund pursuant to EU regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).
Joakim Buddgård

Fund manager

Joakim Buddgård Experience in the fund industry 2006. Portfolio Manager since 1 March 2024.
Risk: 3/7
Risk  3/7
The risk indicator provides guidance on the risk level for this product relative to other financial products. It shows the likelihood that the product will decrease in value due to market performance. Risk level 1 represents a low risk and risk level 7 is a high risk.
Rating: 3
Total Rating™ 
The rating shows which funds have historically posted the strongest performance in relation to risk. Ratings are denoted by a scale of one to five stars, with five as the highest rating. A fund must have a performance history of at least three years to receive a rating.
Read more about the fund's rating
Sustainability risks are integrated into investment decisions, but the fund does not promote environmental or social characteristics or have sustainable investments as its objective. Sustainability risks are managed primarily through engagement in the form of dialogues and active corporate governance. The fund also takes into account principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors.
The fund is reported as an Article 6 fund pursuant to EU regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).

The sustainability rating is developed by the fund information company Morningstar. The rating measures how well the fund's investee companies manage sustainability risks relative to other funds within the same global Morningstar category. If the fund has invested in government bonds issued by sovereign states, the respective country's sustainability risk is included in the calculation. The analyzed funds can receive a sustainability rating between 1 and 5 globes, with 5 as the highest rating.

The fund complies with the UN Principles for Responsible Investments.


In percent including distribution in EUR
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Handelsbanken Euro Obligation (A10 EUR) (EUR)

Note that benchmark returns, unlike fund returns, do not take distributions into account. As a result, fund returns are higher than they would otherwise be relative to benchmark.


Rate 02.10.2024 1 week 1 month 3 months 2024 1 year 5 years 10 years
381.82 EUR 0.57% 2.03% 4.57% 2.15% 9.90% -10.55% -

Portfolio 11.07.2024

Portfolio manager comments — Q2 2024
The quarter was marked by dramatic circumstances in the European fixed income markets. At the end of the quarter, president Macron made the decision to dissolve the National Assembly and call for a new election in France after his party’s poor election results in the European Parliament election held in June. This created uncertainty in the financial markets and the interest rate spreads between French and German widened to the highest level since the euro crisis in 2011 when the risk premium required by lenders to extend loans to France increased sharply. The reason is that there are concerns about a period of political chaos ahead, at the same time as the French government is struggling with a growing budget deficit and high government debt. This also led to an increase to the risk premium in peripheral countries such as Italy and Spain. This movement benefited the fund’s returns relative to index given that the fund previously had an underweight in Italy and sold its French government bonds directly following Macron’s dissolution of the parliament.
Global rates rose during Q2, driven by strong consumers and concerns about a persistent inflation. This led the market to price in additional rate cuts from the US central and the European Central Bank, even though the latter had cut the rate in June.
During the quarter the fund held a smaller position for lower medium-term rates in Germany, which weighed on returns. We also believe that long-term rates will hold, despite cuts to key rates, due to an increased supply and higher risk premiums. As a result, the fund is retaining significant positions for steeper yield curves between two and ten years in Europe. These contributed positively to returns during the quarter.

Portfolio distribution 31.08.2024

Geographic breakdown 31.08.2024
