Handelsbanken Pension 40 - Pension & Försäkring

Legal name: Handelsbanken Pension 40 (A13 SEK)
Registered in Sweden (UCITS) Bid

About risk

Historical yields are not a guarantee of future returns. A fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not guaranteed that you will recover the entire invested amount. Note that a fund with risk level 5-7, as stated in the fund's fact sheet (KID), can vary greatly in value due to the fund's composition and management methodology. The prospectus, fund rules and KID are available under each fund. Summary of investors' rights.

Fact sheet and documents Print page
Factsheet and Information Brochure
Target Market
Costs and charges
Fund rules (175 kB)
Prospectus (1370 kB)
Periodic reports
Sustainability SFDR (924 kB)
Annual review (PF) (2855 kB)
Semi-annual report (PF) (187 kB)
Marketing material
Brief fund information 
Summary SFDR (144 kB)
Objectives and Investment Policy
The fund is a rules-based mixed fund and is primarily intended for investors born in the 40s. The objective of the fund is to achieve good returns, while gradually reducing risk up to the time of retirement.

Fund returns are determined by how the fund's investments in equity- and fixed income funds increase or decrease in value. The fund invests primarily in Nordic and global equity funds, as well as Swedish fixed income funds. Investments are made almost exclusively in Handelsbanken funds.

The fund’s equity exposure shall be approximately 25% and the fund’s fixed income exposure shall be approximately 75% of the fund’s value. The equity exposure shall consist of 50% exposure to an index that represents the global equity markets and a 50% exposure to an index that represents the Nordic equity markets. The fixed income exposure shall consist of exposure to an index that represents the fixed income market in Sweden. The equity indexes that are guiding the equity exposure are Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Nordic Index (12.5%) and Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Global Markets Index (12,5%). The fixed income indexes that are guiding the fixed income exposure are OMRXTBILL (37,5%), HMNI Swe All Government Dur Const 6Y (HMSD6) (26,25%), HMNI Swe All Mortgage Dur Const 2.5Y (HMSMD25) (11,25%).

International norms and guidelines for the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance are taken into consideration and the fund applies an exclusion strategy for companies (both direct holdings as well as holdings in funds in which the fund invests) operating within the alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, commercial gambling, weapons and military equipment, pornography and fossil fuels segments/sectors. However, the fund may invest in companies that are considered to be in transition towards fossil-free energy production. This is applicable to both direct holdings as well as holdings in funds in which the fund invests. With regard to the fund’s investments in index derivatives, the fund will primarily invest in sustainability-oriented instruments. In the absence of such instruments, the fund will invest in index derivatives and index products that may include companies that are not permitted in accordance with the aforementioned exclusion criteria.
The fund can invest in derivative instruments as part of the fund’s investment focus. However, the use of derivative instruments is of such a nature that it only has a marginal impact on the fund’s risk level.

The shareclass does not distribute dividends. All income is reinvested in the fund. Normally, you may purchase and sell fund units every banking day.

Additional information about the sustainability work, the share class designation in parentheses and the management in relation to the funds benchmark index, may be found in the prospectus.

Recommendation: This fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their money within 2 years.


In percent including distribution
The bar chart above shows the fund’s historical performance in SEK, net of fees. If the fund pays dividends, performance is calculated with the distribution added back. Inflation has not been taken into account.
Performance Fund 1 Index 2
31.08.2024 6.50 6.30
2023 7.63 7.27
2022 -5.91 -5.71
2021 6.54 6.70
2020 3.34 2.76
Average. perf. Fund 1 Index 2
2 years 7.29 6.88
3 years 2.83 2.80
5 years 3.71 3.55
10 years 3.52 3.57

Largest holdings 31.08.2024

Handelsbanken Ins Kortränt (A1 SEK) 19.51%
Handelsbanken Långränta (A1 SEK) 17.77%
XACT Obligation ETF 12.77%
Handelsbanken Norden Ind Crit (A1 SEK) 12.56%
Handelsbanken Kortränta (A1 SEK) 11.82%
Handelsbanken Global Index Crit (A1 SEK) 11.29%
Handelsbanken Ränteavkastning (A1 SEK) 6.81%
Handelsbanken Korträn SEK (A1 SEK) 5.42%
Handelsbanken Global Småb Index (A1 SEK) 1.26%

Style Box™ 31.08.2024

The Style Box highlights a specific fund's investment objective and strategy. The style box is a resource that provides insight into the underlying strategy that drives the value growth of the fund. Calculations are based on the most the fund's most recent holdings. More information about Style box

Risk measures (3 years) 31.08.2024

Total risk 4.62%
Total risk in index 4.59%*
Tracking error 0.53%*
Information ratio 0.06*
Sharpe ratio 0.19
Sharpe ratio index 0.18*
Key figures for risk follow-up


Fund Facts
Fund managed by Anders Dolata
Country of registration Sweden
Main category -
Sub category -
Fund, date of launch 19.10.2018
Share class, date of launch 19.10.2018
Fund assets 1,534 MSEK (31.08.2024)
Reporting Currency SEK
Trading Currency -
Instrument category Uncomplicated
ISIN SE0011307917
Short name P4A13S
Available for sale Sweden
Fund Company Facts
Management Company Handelsbanken Fonder AB
Approval of fund operations 06.05.1991
Other approvals Discretionary Asset Management
Manager of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)
Provide investment advice
Receive and forward orders
Custodian Institution J. P. Morgan SE - Stockholm Bankfilial
Legal domicile of fund Stockholm, Sweden
Regulation Authority Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers
Complaints Manager Jörgen Larson