Handelsbanken Microcap Norden (A4 SEK)

Legal name: Handelsbanken Microcap Norden (A4 SEK)
Equity Fund Registered in Sweden (Non-UCITS) Bid

About risk

Historical yields are not a guarantee of future returns. A fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not guaranteed that you will recover the entire invested amount. Note that a fund with risk level 5-7, as stated in the fund's fact sheet (KID), can vary greatly in value due to the fund's composition and management methodology. The prospectus, fund rules and KID can be obtained in English at www.handelsbanken.lu. Summary of investors' rights.

Note that Handelsbanken Fonder AB may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of funds in Luxembourg.

Objectives and Investment Policy
The fund is actively managed, which means that the portfolio manager takes active, independent investment decisions. The objective of the fund is to attain returns over the long term that exceed the returns of the underlying market, which is defined as the benchmark index. The fund is a non-UCITS fund, which means, for example, that it differentiates itself from a securities fund by concentrating holdings to a limited number of companies.

Fund returns are determined by how the fund's investments in equities increase or decrease in value. The fund invests in equities issued by Nordic small cap companies. Nordic companies refer to companies headquartered in Sweden, Norway, Finland or Denmark, or companies admitted to trading on a regulated market or another marketplace in one of these countries. Small caps refer to companies with market values at the time of the investment that do not exceed the market value of the largest company in the fund’s benchmark index.

Regardless of the said criterion, the fund may hold such financial instruments that have been included in the fund due to prior holdings, e.g., as a result of acquisition, divestiture or other corporate events. The fund can invest up to the entire fund capital in fund units, in interest-bearing financial instruments or in liquid assets, depending on the market climate, liquidity or with significant flows.

International norms and guidelines for the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance are taken into consideration within the scope of the fund’s investment focus. The fund applies an exclusion strategy for companies operating within the fossil fuels, military equipment, tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, commercial gambling and pornography segments/sectors. However, the fund may invest in companies or funds that invest in companies involved in power generation, distribution or services related to fossil fuels in those cases where the company is deemed to be transitioning its operations to more renewable energy.
The fund may invest in derivative instruments as part of the fund’s investment focus.

We compare the fund's performance with SIX SRI Nordic 200 Microcap Index. As the fund is actively managed the performance will over time deviate from this index.

The shareclass does not distribute dividends. All income is reinvested in the fund. Requests for subscription and redemption of units shall normally occur no later than the 15th of each month to ensure that the order is executed on the last banking day in the current month. The purchase price is deducted when the order is registered, no interest is paid and the customer has a credit risk towards Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) until the transaction date.

Additional information about the sustainability work, the share class designation in parentheses and the management in relation to the funds benchmark index and risk level, may be found in the prospectus.

Recommendation: This fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their money within 5 years.


In percent including distribution
The bar chart above shows the fund’s historical performance in SEK, net of fees. If the fund pays dividends, performance is calculated with the distribution added back. Inflation has not been taken into account.
Performance Fund 1 Index 2
30.11.2024 11.62 14.20
2023 2.41 12.36
2022 -34.00 -23.85
2021 31.13 28.25
2020 54.66 16.43
Average. perf. Fund 1 Index 2
2 years 6.89 12.70
3 years -7.57 0.60
5 years 10.30 8.72
10 years - -

Sector Breakdown 31.12.2024

Risk measures (3 years) 30.11.2024

Total risk 19.83%
Total risk in index 19.15%*
Tracking error 6.76%*
Information ratio -1.21*
Sharpe ratio -0.49
Sharpe ratio index -0.09*
Key figures for risk follow-up


Fund Facts
Fund managed by Tore Marken
Country of registration Sweden
Main category Equity Fund
Sub category Nordic
Fund, date of launch 30.11.2018
Share class, date of launch 30.11.2018
Fund assets 1,051 MSEK (31.12.2024)
Reporting Currency SEK
Trading Currency -
Instrument category Complicated
ISIN SE0008431811
Short name MICRON
Available for sale Luxembourg, Sweden
Fund Company Facts
Management Company Handelsbanken Fonder AB
Approval of fund operations 06.05.1991
Other approvals Discretionary Asset Management
Manager of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)
Provide investment advice
Receive and forward orders
Custodian Institution J. P. Morgan SE - Stockholm Bankfilial
Legal domicile of fund Stockholm, Sweden
Regulation Authority Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers
Complaints Manager -