The fund is actively managed and invests in fixed income funds, equity funds, alternative assets and in other financial instruments. 45-75% of the fund's value shall be invested in equity funds or other equity-related financial instruments, 5-45% in fixed income funds or other fixed income related financial instruments and 0-30% in funds and other financial instruments with alternative exposure. The fund invests primarily in funds within Handelsbanken as well as in fund that are managed by other fund management companies. Refer to Portfolio distribution at below for the current distribution. Fund returns are determined by how the fund's investments in equity-, fixed income- and alternative funds increase or decrease in value.
For this fund, the fund company's Enhanced exclusion level applies. For information about sectors that the fund excludes, see the Detailed information tab.
The fund is reported as an Article 8 fund pursuant to EU regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).
Fund manager
Asset Allocation Team
Responsible: Pär Sjögemark