Objectives and Investment Policy
The fund is actively managed, which means that the portfolio manager takes active, independent investment decisions. The long term objective of the fund is to exceed the returns of the underlying market, defined as the benchmark index.
Fund returns are determined by how the fund's investments in equity- and fixed income funds increase or decrease in value The fund’s objective is also to generate high dividend yields which is recieved by investing in fixed income funds, equity funds and other financial instruments. The fund invests primarily in funds within Handelsbanken, but may also invest in fund managed by other fund management companies.
45-85% of the fund’s value shall be invested in equity funds or other equity-related financial instrument, 15-55% in fixed income funds or other fixed income related financial instruments.
International norms and guidelines for the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance are taken into consideration and the fund applies an exclusion strategy for companies (both direct holdings as well as holdings in funds in which the fund invests) operating within the alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, commercial gambling, weapons and military equipment, pornography and fossil fuels segments/sectors. However, the fund may invest in companies that are considered to be in transition towards fossil-free energy production. This is applicable to both direct holdings as well as holdings in funds in which the fund invests. With regard to the fund’s investments in index derivatives, the fund will primarily invest in sustainability-oriented instruments. In the absence of such instruments, the fund will invest in index derivatives and index products that may include companies that are not permitted in accordance with the aforementioned exclusion criteria.
The fund may invest in derivative instruments as part of the fund’s investment focus.
We compare the fund's performance with HMNI Swe All Mortgage Dur Const 2.5Y (10,02%), HMNI Swe All Government Dur Const 6Y (23,38%), SIX Sweden SRI Index GI (33,3%), Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Global Markets Index NTR (33,3%). As the fund is actively managed the performance will over time deviate from this index.
The share class normally distributes dividends in March each year. The objective is to annually distribute 4,5% of the value of the units at the time of the Management Company’s decision about distributions. However, distributions can be both higher and lower. Normally, you may purchase and sell fund units every banking day.
Additional information about the sustainability work, the share class designation in parentheses and the management in relation to the funds benchmark index and risk level, may be found in the prospectus.
Recommendation: This fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their money within 3 years.