Objectives and Investment Policy
The fund is a fixed income fund that primarily invests in inflation-indexed bonds with the aim of providing returns as protection from future inflation in Sweden.
Fund returns are determined by how the fund's investments in interest-bearing instruments increase or decrease in value. The fund invests primarily in real and nominal government bonds as well as in treasury bills, issued in SEK, that are included in the OMRX REAL index.
The average residual fixed interest period for the fund's investments totals a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 15 years. The fund is managed with an average fixed interest period that is close to the average fixed interest period in OMRXREAL.
The fund’s assets may be invested in interest-bearing financial instruments with a minimum rating of AA- from S&,P or a corresponding rating of Aa3 from Moody’s.
We compare the fund’s performance to that of the OMRX Real Index. Given the aim of the fund, the deviations from the index will only occur to a limited extent.
Refer to the Prospectus for additional information on the designation of the share class within parentheses and management relative to the fund’s benchmark index and risk level.
The fund can invest in derivative instruments as part of the fund’s investment focus. However, the use of derivative instruments is of such a nature that it only has a marginal impact on the fund’s risk level.
The share class normally distributes dividends in March each year. The objective is to annually distribute 2,0% of the value of the units at the time of the Management Company’s decision about distributions. However, distributions can be both higher and lower. Normally, you may purchase and sell fund units every banking day.
Additional information about the sustainability work, the share class designation in parentheses and the management in relation to the funds benchmark index, may be found in the prospectus.
Recommendation: This fund may not be suitable for investors who plan to withdraw their money within 2 years.