Handelsbanken Sverige Selektiv (A10 EUR)

Legal name: Handelsbanken Sverige Selektiv (A10 EUR)
Equity Fund Registered in Sweden (UCITS) Bid

About risk

Historical yields are not a guarantee of future returns. A fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not guaranteed that you will recover the entire invested amount. Note that a fund with risk level 5-7, as stated in the fund's fact sheet (KID), can vary greatly in value due to the fund's composition and management methodology. The prospectus, fund rules and KID are available under each fund. Summary of investors' rights.

Fact sheet and documents Print page
Factsheet and Information Brochure
Target Market
Costs and charges
Fund rules (159 kB)
Prospectus (1392 kB)
Periodic reports
Sustainability SFDR (928 kB)
Annual review (PF) (2867 kB)
Semi-annual report (1799 kB)
Marketing material
Brief fund information 
Summary SFDR (143 kB)
The fund is actively managed and invests in 16-35 high-quality Swedish companies. The fund's strategy is to create good returns over time through long-term investments.

The fund is reported as an Article 8 fund pursuant to EU regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).
Ulrika Orstadius

Fund manager

Ulrika Orstadius Experience in the fund industry 2011. Portfolio Manager since 1 November 2022.
Risk: 5/7
Risk  5/7
The risk indicator provides guidance on the risk level for this product relative to other financial products. It shows the likelihood that the product will decrease in value due to market performance. Risk level 1 represents a low risk and risk level 7 is a high risk.
Rating: 5
Total Rating™ 
The rating shows which funds have historically posted the strongest performance in relation to risk. Ratings are denoted by a scale of one to five stars, with five as the highest rating. A fund must have a performance history of at least three years to receive a rating.
Read more about the fund's rating
This fund promotes environmental and social characteristics through its investments but does not have sustainable investments as its objective. As a result, the fund takes into consideration the environment and climate, as well as human rights, employees’ rights and corruption.
The fund is reported as an Article 8 fund pursuant to EU regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).

The sustainability rating is developed by the fund information company Morningstar. The rating measures how well the fund's investee companies manage sustainability risks relative to other funds within the same global Morningstar category. If the fund has invested in government bonds issued by sovereign states, the respective country's sustainability risk is included in the calculation. The analyzed funds can receive a sustainability rating between 1 and 5 globes, with 5 as the highest rating.

The fund complies with the UN Principles for Responsible Investments.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is the official sustainability ecolabel for the Nordic countries, with the purpose of providing guidance to fund savers about good environmental choices. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel requires a fund to meet 23 mandatory standards governing inclusion, exclusion, engagement and transparency. Read more in the fund's Nordic Swan Ecolabel report and at www.svanen.se/spararen.

Ongoing dialogues:

- No reported violations of international standards


In percent including distribution in EUR
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Handelsbanken Sverige Selektiv (A10 EUR) (EUR)

Note that benchmark returns, unlike fund returns, do not take distributions into account. As a result, fund returns are higher than they would otherwise be relative to benchmark.


Rate 02.07.2024 1 week 1 month 3 months 2024 1 year 5 years 10 years
83.31 EUR -1.30% -1.84% 2.51% 7.98% 20.51% 89.00% -

Portfolio 26.04.2024

Fund performance was positive during Q1 2024 and the fund rose just over 9% in SEK. The upturn in the equity market was driven by increasing confidence in a soft landing of the economy, with support from expected rate cuts.

Holdings in Volvo, Novo Nordisk and SEB were the strongest contributors to fund returns, with Novo Nordisk and SEB delivering strong reports for Q4 2023 and Volvo performing strongly in line with the rest of the manufacturing sector.

Nibe and Sweco had the most negative impact on returns after being weighed down by reports that were weaker than expected. Nibe’s sales were negatively affected by the persistently high inventories of heating pumps in the distribution chain that were accumulated during a period of high expectations for further strong growth and the need to ensure delivery capacity. Declining gas prices in Europe and lower subsidies have dampened incentives for installing heating pumps. The inventory situation should be rebalanced during the end of the year and there is a further need for energy transition that is assisted by effective climate solutions over the long term. Sweco was weighed down by struggles in the UK market where projects within transport are being cancelled and the company is now adjusting after the overcapacity that arose. The fund increased holdings in Nibe, Astra Zeneca and Nolato during the quarter and took profits in Indutrade on the back of strong share price performance.

In the upcoming reporting period we continue to focus on investee companies that have sustainable business models and competitive offers with sustainable growth even in a weaker economy.

Portfolio distribution 31.05.2024

Geographic breakdown 31.05.2024
