Handelsbanken Sverige (B1 SEK)

Legal name: Handelsbanken Sverige (B1 SEK)
Equity Fund Registered in Sweden (UCITS) Bid

About risk

Historical yields are not a guarantee of future returns. A fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not guaranteed that you will recover the entire invested amount. Note that a fund with risk level 5-7, as stated in the fund's fact sheet (KID), can vary greatly in value due to the fund's composition and management methodology. The prospectus, fund rules and KID are available under each fund. Summary of investors' rights.

Fact sheet and documents Print page
Factsheet and Information Brochure
Target Market
Costs and charges
Fund rules (161 kB)
Prospectus (1382 kB)
Periodic reports
Sustainability SFDR (928 kB)
Annual review (PF) (2860 kB)
Semi-annual report (1799 kB)
Marketing material
Brief fund information 
Summary SFDR (145 kB)
The fund is actively managed and invests in equities issued by companies in Sweden. The fund also has the option of investing a maximum of 10% of the fund capital in companies headquartered in other European countries.

The fund is reported as an Article 8 fund pursuant to EU regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).
Mattias Nilsson

Fund manager

Mattias Nilsson Experience in the fund industry 1997. Portfolio Manager since 14 February 2022.
Risk: 5/7
Risk  5/7
The risk indicator provides guidance on the risk level for this product relative to other financial products. It shows the likelihood that the product will decrease in value due to market performance. Risk level 1 represents a low risk and risk level 7 is a high risk.
Rating: 1
Total Rating™ 
The rating shows which funds have historically posted the strongest performance in relation to risk. Ratings are denoted by a scale of one to five stars, with five as the highest rating. A fund must have a performance history of at least three years to receive a rating.
Read more about the fund's rating
This fund promotes environmental and social characteristics through its investments but does not have sustainable investments as its objective. As a result, the fund takes into consideration the environment and climate, as well as human rights, employees’ rights and corruption.
The fund is reported as an Article 8 fund pursuant to EU regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).

The sustainability rating is developed by the fund information company Morningstar. The rating measures how well the fund's investee companies manage sustainability risks relative to other funds within the same global Morningstar category. If the fund has invested in government bonds issued by sovereign states, the respective country's sustainability risk is included in the calculation. The analyzed funds can receive a sustainability rating between 1 and 5 globes, with 5 as the highest rating.

The fund complies with the UN Principles for Responsible Investments.


In percent including distribution in SEK
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Handelsbanken Sverige (B1 SEK) (SEK)

Note that benchmark returns, unlike fund returns, do not take distributions into account. As a result, fund returns are higher than they would otherwise be relative to benchmark.


Rate 02.07.2024 1 week 1 month 3 months 2024 1 year 5 years 10 years
124.26 SEK -0.34% -2.05% 2.31% 9.06% 14.72% - -

Portfolio 26.04.2024

Fund performance was positive during Q1 2024 and the fund rose almost 7% in SEK. After the strong close to the stock market in 2023, Swedish equities began the year more tentatively, driven primarily by the upward trend in long-term rates after the sharp downturn in the autumn. The stock market gained new momentum in time for the release of the quarterly reports at the end of January and rose essentially throughout the remainder of the period, even though profits were more or less in line with expectations. The major drivers are the expectation of rate cuts due to declining inflation, together with continued strength in economic growth in the US.

Electrolux Professional was the most notable contributor to returns and rose 27% after a strong quarterly report as well as the acquisition of the Japanese company Tosei. Additional positive contributors included Afry, which unexpectedly presented a higher profitability, as well as SEB, which declared higher than expected distributions to shareholders. Ericsson, H&M and Truecaller were the main negative positions in the period. The smallest common denominator among all of these holdings is that they all presented quarterly reports that lowered expectations for Q1 2024, while they are retaining an optimistic outlook for the full year. H&M was vindicated to some extent when the company exceeded analysts’ profit forecasts by over 50%. The fund sharply decreased the holdings in SEB and SHB after strong share price performance at the beginning of the year. The position in Volvo Car was also reduced. We made the largest increases to the positions in SCA, Sweco and Bravida.

The valuation multipliers in Swedish equities are currently at levels that can be considered to be normal and the boost in prices going forward should come from higher profits. We therefore expect the market to move sideways before investors begin to look toward 2025 and encumber higher profits next year. But there are companies even in this scenario that provide the potential for strong performance in the near term.

The fund changed its name on 20 March from Sverige Tema to Sverige. This change provides more liberal investment rules and enhanced opportunities to invest in more value-based equities, although we continue to identify long-term structural growth. We prefer growth companies and avoid unprofitable companies with high debt and business models that are unable to manage the prevailing interest rate levels.

Portfolio distribution 31.05.2024

Geographic breakdown 31.05.2024
