The fund is a rules-based systematic managed fund and its objective is to offer exposure to companies in the global equity markets. In rules-based management, the fund manager follows a clearly-defined systematic model for the selection and weighting of companies in the fund. Within the systematic model followed by the fund, sustainability factors and sustainability criteria are integrated through, for example, the exclusion strategy applied for the fund.
The fund applies the following investment strategy to attain the environmental and social characteristics promoted by the fund:
Dialogue and Asset Stewardship: Active engagement is an essential strategy to influence companies in a more sustainable direction. The Management Company and the fund manager manage this through company dialogues, voting, nomination committee and work within investor networks. Company dialogues are conducted directly between the fund manager and the company, together with other investors or within the scope of investor networks and other collaborations. The dialogues include a broad range of sustainability issues. The Management Company conducts an active and responsible corporate governance through representation in nomination committees and voting at shareholders' meetings. The starting point for our efforts is based on our Policy for shareholder engagement and responsible investment, as well as our guidelines for nomination committee work.
Exclusion strategy: The fund and its index apply sustainability criteria in the form of an exclusion strategy. The strategy includes companies with production and distribution of controversial weapons, nuclear weapons, weapons and military equipment, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, pornography, commercial gambling, fossil fuels, as well as companies with verified violations of international norms and conventions related to human rights, the environment, labor rights or anti-corruption and anti-bribery. The limits applied by the Management Company with regard to revenue from production and services are stated in the table for exclusion that is shown in the Appendix for sustainability-related disclosures in the fund's prospectus.
Pursuant to regulations, the fund may only invest in a company that meets practices for good governance. The Management Company ensures this through the application of the Exclusion and Inclusion strategies. By excluding companies with verified violations of international norms and conventions linked to, for example, taxes, labor rights, as well as anti-corruption and anti-bribery, the Management Company ensures that the fund's investee companies comply with current practices related to good governance.
A company analysis is conducted for each investment decision in which sustainability dimensions as well as financial dimensions are factored into the decision. This analysis includes issues related to the companies' governance, such as relationships with employees, remuneration, management and management structures, as well as compliance with tax regulations. Examples of relevant principles and guidelines include the Global Compact principles 1, 3, 6 and 10, OECD's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as well as conventions such as the UN's Convention against Corruption and ILO's Convention 111, Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation. Read more about the Management Company's methodologies and principles for good governance in the document "Policy for Shareholder Engagement and Responsible Investment", which is published on our website at
The fund's stated minimum proportion of sustainable investments and application of an exclusion strategy is a binding element for the Management Company in the management of the fund.