The fund is an equity index fund managed with the aim of generating returns over time that correspond as closely as possible to the returns of the index. The fund applies the following investment strategy to meet the sustainable investment objective:
Target of reducing carbon emissions: The fund is managed in line with an index that is a registered EU benchmark for alignment with the Paris Agreement (a so-called Paris Aligned Benchmark), pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 (the Benchmark Regulation).
The fund and the composition of its index aim for reduced emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The companies in the fund and the index are selected and weighted in such a way that the index portfolio's greenhouse gas emissions are aligned with the long-term global warming targets of the Paris Agreement. This means the following:
• The index must have a greenhouse gas intensity, measured as emissions of greenhouse gases according to Scope 1, 2 and 3, which is at least 55% lower than the greenhouse gas intensity of the reference portfolio, and it must also show a reduction in greenhouse gas intensity of at least 7% annually.
• The total exposure to the sectors listed as high climate impact sectors in Sections A-H and Section L of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 (5) of the European Parliament and of the Council must correspond to the total exposure to these sectors in the reference portfolio. The requirement is established in order to ensure that the index provides a realistic picture of the real economy, including the sectors that need to actively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement.
• Within the framework of the index methodology, companies are rewarded if they set Science Based Targets, meaning targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that are both clearly established and publicly disclosed, and/or if companies, via their products and services, positively contribute to the attainment of the environmental objectives of Agenda 2030.
Dialogue and asset stewardship: Active engagement is an essential strategy for influencing companies in a more sustainable direction. The fund company and the fund manager do this through company dialogues, asset stewardship and engagement in investor networks. Company dialogues are conducted both directly between the fund manager and the company, as well as together with other investors or within the scope of investor networks and other collaborations. The dialogues cover a wide range of sustainability issues. Through representation on nomination committees and voting at shareholders' meetings, the fund company conducts active and responsible asset stewardship. The basis for this is our Policy for Shareholder Engagement and Responsible Investments as well as our guidelines for nomination committees.
Exclusion strategy: The fund applies sustainability requirements in the form of an exclusion strategy. The strategy applies to companies that produce or distribute controversial weapons, military equipment, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, pornography, commercial gambling, fossil fuels, as well as companies with confirmed violations of international norms and conventions related to human rights, the environment, employee rights or anti-corruption and anti-bribery. Furthermore, companies are excluded if they cause significant harm to one or more environmental objectives linked to climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, prevention and mitigation of environmental pollution, protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. The index also excludes companies operating in controversial sectors.
The fund and its index are able to invest in companies in transition. Companies in transition refers to power generation companies that are deemed to be in the process of transforming their operations in a way that is expected to contribute to, rather than counteract, the fulfilment of the Paris Agreement. Exceptions are made from the 5% criterion regarding "fossil fuel – power generation" in the index methodology if all of the following criteria are met:
• The company has established and published targets in accordance with the requirements of the Science Based Targets Initiative to transform its operations in line with the Paris Agreement.
• The company has a maximum of 50% revenue from fossil fuel energy.
• The company has a maximum of 5% revenue from coal power.
• The company has a minimum of 10% revenue from renewable energy. However, exceptions can never be made to the minimum criteria in the Paris Aligned Benchmarks framework (see Articles 2-12 of the Delegated EU Regulation 2020/1818 to the Benchmarks Regulation).
According to the regulation, a company must comply with corporate governance best practices in order for the fund to invest in the company. The fund company ensures this through the strategies for exclusion.
By excluding companies with confirmed violations of international norms and conventions linked to, for example, tax, employee rights, corruption and bribery, it is ensured that the companies the fund invests in live up to best practice in terms of sound corporate governance. Examples of relevant principles and guidelines are the UN Global Compact Principles 1, 3, 6 and 10, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and conventions such as the UN Convention against Corruption and ILO Convention 111, Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation.
Learn more about the fund company's methods and principles for good corporate governance in the Policy for Shareholder Engagement and Responsible Investment at