Portfolio manager comments — Q3 2024
Fund performance was marginally positive during the quarter. The primary reason for the weak performance was the fund’s investment in Dexcom, which is a market leader within continuous glucose monitoring. The company reported weaker than expected results and is showing both internal problems as well as struggles with competition that is becoming more challenging. Consequently, the equity fell almost 40% on the reporting date. Despite a strong reaction, we did not increase the holding, as uncertainties about the future remained after the report. The fund’s holdings in Novo Nordisk and Microsoft posted weakness during the quarter. On the positive side, Iron Mountain posted strength after strong results and momentum from investments in data centers. The healthcare companies Chugai, UNH and Samsung Biologics also showed strong share price performance. Lastly, the HVAC company Carrier performed strongly and was a significant contributor to fund returns.
During the quarter we added a new holding, TrainLine, which is a train ticket platform that is gaining market share as the train markets in Europe are being deregulated and facing competition. The main advantage of the company is its simplicity and user-friendliness compared to its competitors. According to its own research, much of this is due to the user-friendliness, which has a significant impact on the extent to which trains can replace other forms of transportation, such as automobiles or planes, which in turn impact greenhouse gas emissions. We also participated in the purchase of equities when Sabesp, the water and sanitation company in São Paulo, Brazil, was privatized. The equity was sold below the market price and has continued to perform positively after the initial purchase. The company is a key actor for creating the conditions for good health and improved quality, as well as access to clean water in São Paulo. Lastly, we also invested in the US healthcare company Organon, which is a market leader within several segments related to women’s health, including fertility.